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One of the font's I've loaded in is called Determination! It's an appproximation of the deltarune + undertale font, the one I'm using for this sentence should be DTM-Mono, meant for dialogue!

It has a second form called DTM-Sans, meant to be used for MENUs, as you can see it's letters are closer together! I indicate this font by specifying that it's <strong>!

My current system for assets is that I have a folder 'asset', and then i sort that into the type of asset ie 'image', 'font', exc. For example, here's "../asset/image/dr_logo.png"! I've currently got the CSS clamping it's max width to the size of it's container element!

An image of the deltarune logo

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

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PARAGRAPH: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent mollis dolor eu nibh convallis elementum. Etiam tempus arcu ac egestas viverra. Suspendisse vel ipsum ultricies, maximus nunc eu, varius sem. Nam tempor, tortor nec tincidunt congue, justo tortor dictum mi, malesuada aliquet eros diam ut libero. Vestibulum faucibus pulvinar dignissim. Quisque accumsan turpis et arcu ornare, nec sagittis odio molestie. Nunc vitae mauris purus.

Strong: Vestibulum eget nisl dolor. Mauris vitae scelerisque tellus.

Bold: Venenatis odio vitae, sollicitudin purus, ut sit amet ex porta.

Emphasizied: Sed ut purus eu mi mattis fringilla et vel sapien. Integer non laoreet ipsum.

Italicized: Donec vestibulum viverra tellus, non luctus nisl facilisis sed. Donec feugiat dolor sapien.

Marked: Vestibulum dictum neque ultricies leo sagittis, et viverra ex tristique. Morbi sed accumsan nulla.

Deleted: Proin id vestibulum sapien. Curabitur laoreet sem eu felis condimentum lacinia.

Inserted: Ut sit amet ex porta, venenatis odio vitae, sollicitudin purus.

Subscript: Maecenas velit tortor, tincidunt et odio eget, dictum porttitor diam.

Superscript: Donec euismod faucibus facilisis. Pellentesque sed maximus sapien.

Small: Aliquam interdum, ipsum in vehicula posuere, augue tortor sagittis nulla, vel viverra neque velit sit amet justo.

Big: Praesent mollis dolor eu nibh convallis elementum.